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Snail soup

Snail soup

Eastern Romelia

Ingredients for 4-6 people

1 kg of snails

2 bunches green onions

1/2 bunch mint

1 cup rice

1 cup olive oil

1 tablespoon paprika


Place the snailsin a wide pot for better air flow andfeed them with flour for two days to cleanse.Then rinse them thoroughly at least 3-4 times.

Add the snails in a pot of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. Throw this water in the sink.

Rinse the snails once more and boil them again for 15 minutes. After draining the snails, keep a cup of this broth.

Chop the green onions and mint and sauté in olive oil while adding the paprika. Boil the snails in that sauce, along with the reserved broth for 40 minutes. Then, add the rice and some salt and boil for another 20 minutes.  Serve the soup hot.


Editing & photoshoot :
Stella Spanou
Author of Cooking Books, Award Winning Photographer

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